Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Page 91 (6.254-291) "In all his... drily."

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— In all his pristine beauty, Mr Power said.

Mr Dedalus looked after the stumping figure and said mildly:

— The devil break the hasp of your back!

JSJ owed Dodd money.
Dodd was actually Catholic.
(SiD ought to be at 11:00 or maybe 1:00)

Mr Power, collapsing in laughter, shaded his face from the window as the carriage passed Gray's statue.

StreetView now
1909 map

— We have all been there, Martin Cunningham said broadly.

His eyes met Mr Bloom's eyes. He caressed his beard, adding:

— Well, nearly all of us.

even as friendly and polite as MC is toward Bloom, he still distrusts his 'Jewish' other-ness
(suggests MC and LB are not side by side)

Mr Bloom began to speak with sudden eagerness to his companions' faces.

— That's an awfully good one that's going the rounds about Reuben J and the son.

Bloom desperately wants to distance himself from MC's suspicions

the Dodds in 1901, signature-pdf

— About the boatman? Mr Power asked.

cf Charon, boatman of Hades

— Yes. Isn't it awfully good?

— What is that? Mr Dedalus asked. I didn't hear it.

— There was a girl in the case, Mr Bloom began, and he determined to send him to the Isle of Man out of harm's way but when they were both...

Bloom completely lacks the Irish knack for storytelling

— What? Mr Dedalus asked. That confirmed bloody hobbledehoy is it?

"hobbledehoy" = awkward youth
actually 25 in 1904, 32 when the story really happened (supposedly Joyce's 3yrs-older classmate at (Catholic) Belvedere)

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— Yes, Mr Bloom said. They were both on the way to the boat and he tried to drown...

— Drown Barabbas! Mr Dedalus cried. I wish to Christ he did!


Mr Power sent a long laugh down his shaded nostrils.


— No, Mr Bloom said, the son himself...

cf Haines confusion p18

Martin Cunningham thwarted his speech rudely:

— Reuben J and the son were piking it down the quay next the river on their way to the Isle of Man boat and the young chiseller suddenly got loose and over the wall with him into the Liffey.

(any guesses where the wall might have been? cf Burgh quay)

— For God' sake! Mr Dedalus exclaimed in fright. Is he dead?

puzzling contrast

— Dead! Martin Cunningham cried. Not he! A boatman got a pole and fished him out by the slack of the breeches and he was landed up to the father on the quay. More dead than alive. Half the town was there.

(this contradicts the report that says the rescuer dove in and suffered health problems)

— Yes, Mr Bloom said. But the funny part is...

— And Reuben J, Martin Cunningham said, gave the boatman a florin for saving his son's life.

Ellmann quotes the 1911 source-article in full:
The Irish Worker, 2 December 1911: "Half-a-Crown for Saving a Life: On August the 26th of this year a solicitor named Reuben Jas. Dodd jumped into the Liffey close to the Butt Bridge. Whatever his motive— suicide or otherwise— we care not. After swimming around to cool himself he became exhausted; a lifebuoy was thrown him, but he was unable to help himself. A docker who was passing at the time hearing the commotion, asked 'what's up?' 'Man drowning,' was the answer, and without a moment's hesitation he jumped in and brought Dodd, solicitor, to the steps, where another docker and a carter lifted Dodd up the steps on to the quay wall. The inevitable policeman then appeared, and Dodd was taken to Jervis Street Hospital, and from there to the house of detention. The father of this Dodd, solicitor, was walking up and down the quay whilst this episode was being enacted, and as a matter of fact had been talking to his son, Dodd, solicitor, previous to him deciding to test the recuperative benefits of Anna Liffey. Now, what of the man who rescued Dodd, eh? He is only a common docker named Moses Goldin, who during the last few years saved some twenty lives. Goldin has a wife and four children to keep. He has been suffering from pulmonary trouble for some time past, brought on by the exposure he submitted himself to in his successful efforts to rescue life. Dodd was taken to hospital on a motor car. Moses Goldin, who saved his life, walked home to his slum. His poor old mother, who minds his children whilst the other heroine— his wife— goes out to earn a few shillings in a sack factory, went out to a publican close by to borrow a shirt so that Goldin might change his clothes. Owing to want of attention Goldin had to go to hospital; whilst lying there his wife lost a day's work and wages amounting to 1s., and went and saw Mr. Dodd, senior. After some delay he condescended to see her, and very kindly told Mrs. Goldin that her husband should have minded his own business. After other fatherly advice he gave Mrs. Goldin 2s.6d. to assist her. Goldin lay in hospital some weeks. He lost his health and wages and got 2s.6d. for saving Dodd, solicitor. It wasn't worth it; was it? Goldin himself did not get thank you. I don't know if the policeman who came up after it was all over got a certificate and recommended promotion or not. We would like to ask what the local hon. sec. to the Royal Humane Society is doing; Goldin also asks. I hope the readers of this paper will ask. Some lives Goldin saved— J. M'Allister and C. Rielly— died after rescue. P. Ryan, W . Hanly, J. Gorman; these persons were all taken to Jervis street and Mercer's Hospital; others rescued taken home; and last, but least, Dodd, solicitor, for which life Goldin's wife got 2s.6d. Mr. Dodd thinks his son is worth half-a-crown. We wouldn't give that amount for a whole family of Dodds."

A stifled sigh came from under Mr Power's hand.

— O, he did, Martin Cunningham affirmed. Like a hero. A silver florin.

— Isn't it awfully good? Mr Bloom said eagerly.

1919 Cyclops notesheet: "the jew hates the jew in the jew"

— One and eightpence too much, Mr Dedalus said drily.



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