Friday, October 24, 2014

Page 228 (10.654-690) "Mr Dedalus, tugging... turning on him."

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editions: [1922] [html] [archv]
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Delaney: [0] Useen: [] [cp] maps: [Dilly] [Simon] [other] [*]


Mr Dedalus, tugging a long moustache, came round from Williams' row. He halted near his daughter.

an alley between the auctionhouse and O'Connell street (was he peeing?)
1909 map

— It's time for you, she said.

maybe time to come home because school is out and the girls are back home? or time to stop drinking and galivanting?

— Stand up straight for the love of the Lord Jesus, Mr Dedalus said. Are you trying to imitate your uncle John the cornetplayer, head upon shoulder? Melancholy God!

Stephen p233:  "Dilly's high shoulders and shabby dress."

(adolescent girls who are embarrassed by their height often stoop to seem shorter)

head upon shoulder

Dilly shrugged her shoulders. Mr Dedalus placed his hands on them and held them back.

— Stand up straight, girl, he said. You'll get curvature of the spine. Do you know what you look like?

He let his head sink suddenly down and forward, hunching his shoulders and dropping his underjaw.

a natural-born actor

— Give it up, father, Dilly said. All the people are looking at you.

Simon loves being the center of attention

Mr Dedalus drew himself upright and tugged again at his moustache.

— Did you get any money? Dilly asked.

— Where would I get money? Mr Dedalus said. There is no-one in Dublin would lend me fourpence.

about $2 today, enough for (eg) a cigar and a pint

— You got some, Dilly said, looking in his eyes.

— How do you know that? Mr Dedalus asked, his tongue in his cheek.

not tongue-in-cheek, though?

intrusion 11DD31 from 12TK1:

Mr Kernan, pleased with the order he had booked, walked boldly along James's street.

1.5 miles west

(Dilly's timeline is central for sorting out this chapter)

Kernan's success vs Simon's failure

— I know you did, Dilly answered. Were you in the Scotch house now?

a pub across O'Connell bridge at the corner of Burgh quay and Hawkins street, so inconsistent with his arriving from Williams row
1909 map

— I was not then, Mr Dedalus said, smiling. Was it the little nuns taught you to be so saucy? Here.

He handed her a shilling.


— See if you can do anything with that, he said.

— I suppose you got five, Dilly said. Give me more than that.

(ie, for the curtains???)

— Wait awhile, Mr Dedalus said threateningly. You're like the rest of them, are you? An insolent pack of little bitches since your poor mother died. But wait awhile. You'll all get a short shrift and a long day from me. Low blackguardism! I'm going to get rid of you. Wouldn't care if I was stretched out stiff. He's dead. The man upstairs is dead.

cf Patsy Dignam below: "Never see him again. Death, that is. Pa is dead. My father is dead."

He left her and walked on. Dilly followed quickly and pulled his coat.

— Well, what is it? he said, stopping.

The lacquey rang his bell behind their backs.

— Barang!

(is it important to differentiate which 'Barang' intruded?)

— Curse your bloody blatant soul, Mr Dedalus cried, turning on him.

"blatant" is colorful




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